Making the Web Beautiful!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Return from the World of SIGGRAPH

So it’s a little over week now since SIGGRAPH ended and once again I have the post conference blues. It’s always such an amazing week and this year was no exception. Got to meet up with some old friends, make new ones, chill in Vancouver, and enjoy all the special events the conference has to offer. I always especially love the Studio/E-Tech/Art Gallery area where the workshops, demonstrations, and interactive art and technology were located (this year's Studio theme was steampunk, so extra exciting).

I was totally inspired by everything and everyone and was so ready to get working on concept art for my graduate thesis.
But after some painful farewells and reality checks as I returned home, my desire to get to work is back to neutral. I did force myself to do a couple of character concepts and I’ve started a reference library, but it doesn’t feel like I’m doing enough to get the jump start on it. My classes don’t start for another 2 weeks and I’m not expected to have everything ready already. So maybe I’m stalling because I’m not sure of all the requirements that will be placed on me. But I really want a solid idea base going to cut down on my work load this semester, especially if I’m working as well.
The good news is I’m setting a new goal for myself: to get a piece accepted into SIGGRAPH’s Computer Animation Festival (CAF) at some point (hopefully my thesis). I got to see a lot of student work this year at CAF and in the spirit of being more determined and confident in myself, I don’t see why I couldn’t make an awesome piece for it too.

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